Airforce One

Andrew W. Marlowe 1997


Communist Radicals hijack Air Force One with The U.S. President and his family on board. The Vice President negotiates from Washington D.C., while the President, a Veteran, fights to rescue the hostages on board.

                                      Air Force One

                                      Andrew Marlow 

               FADE IN:

               INT. C-130 HERCULES TURBO-PROP - NIGHT

               Eighteen combat-ready special forces, wearing assault black, 
               jump packs and combat gear, stare down the deep end of a 
               greasy ramp into the night sky.  Village lights flicker 19,000 
               feet below.

               The STRIKE FORCE LEADER signals to his team.

               Without a moment's hesitation, they dive into the darkness 
               and plummet toward earth.

               EXT. MANSION - NIGHT

               A military GUARD, old Soviet-style uniform, rounds the corner 
               of the large estate toting an AK-47.

               A red laser dot appears briefly on his forehead and, after a 
               beat, the red dot seems to bleed.  The Guard collapses dead.  
               Two other GUARDS are dispatched with single, silenced shots.

               A Strike Team member at a junction box awaits a signal.

               Through infra-red binoculars the strike Force Leader watches 
               his assault troops as they take positions.

                                     STRIKE FORCE LEADER
                              (into headset/in 

               On the estate - as the power goes out.  The