Aliens: El regreso

James Cameron 1986


La sobreviviente de un ataque extraterrestre regresa al planeta LV-426 acompañada por unos marinos. Juntos, deberán destruir a un monstruo.



                             James Cameron

                                                   FIRST DRAFT
                                                   May 28, 1985



        FADE IN

        SOMETIME IN THE FUTURE - SPACE                            1

        Silent and endless.  The stars shine like the love of
        God...cold and remote.  Against them drifts a tiny chip
        of technology.

        CLOSER SHOT  It is the NARCISSUS, lifeboat of the
        ill-fated star-freighter Nostromo.  Without interior
        or running lights it seems devoid of life.  The PING
        of a RANGING RADAR grows louder, closer.  A shadow
        engulfs the Narcissus.  Searchlights flash on, playing
        over the tiny ship, as a MASSIVE DARK HULL descends
        toward it.

        INT. NARCISSUS                                            2

        Dark and dormant as a crypt.  The searchlights stream
        in the dusty windows.  Outside, massive metal forms can
        BE SEEN descending around the shuttle.  Like the tolling
        of a bell, a BASSO PROFUNDO CLANG reverberates through
        the hull.

        CLOSE ON THE AIRLOCK DOOR  Light glares as a cutting
        torch bursts through the metal.  Sparks