
James Cameron 1986


Ellen Ripley is rescued by a deep salvage team after being in hypersleep for 57 years. The moon that the Nostromo visited has been colonized, but contact is lost. This time, colonial marines have impressive firepower, but will that be enough?



                             James Cameron

                                                   FIRST DRAFT
                                                   May 28, 1985



        FADE IN

        SOMETIME IN THE FUTURE - SPACE                            1

        Silent and endless.  The stars shine like the love of
        God...cold and remote.  Against them drifts a tiny chip
        of technology.

        CLOSER SHOT  It is the NARCISSUS, lifeboat of the
        ill-fated star-freighter Nostromo.  Without interior
        or running lights it seems devoid of life.  The PING
        of a RANGING RADAR grows louder, closer.  A shadow
        engulfs the Narcissus.  Searchlights flash on, playing
        over the tiny ship, as a MASSIVE DARK HULL descends
        toward it.

        INT. NARCISSUS                                            2

        Dark and dormant as a crypt.  The searchlights stream
        in the dusty windows.  Outside, massive metal forms can
        BE SEEN descending around the shuttle.  Like the tolling
        of a bell, a BASSO PROFUNDO CLANG reverberates through
        the hull.

        CLOSE ON THE AIRLOCK DOOR  Light glares as a cutting
        torch bursts through the metal.  Sparks